Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Cousin Denise

I never thought that i could have a genuinely good time with my 7 year old cousin denise. Why?! because she talks 24/7, she's super clingy, she's annoying. BUUTT....i have to i enjoyed her company. She was making me laugh. doing all of these weird little accents. it was pretty funny. If i wake up early enough tomorrow we might make another video. But for now you can watch this one :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

No Settlements

Sometimes, you think those pair of shoes are right for you. Then time passes and you start noticing and learning things about the shoes. You realize that maybe this pair isn't the best pair for you. This pair is the complete opposite of what you actually want. And as much as you try to make them feel good, it's never enough. But the shoes are good shoes. This is the point where most stop and think "I'm not gonna get anything any better. These pair of shoes are comfy, durable, and a safe choice." Not me. I don't like to settle for any old pair. I can't keep em if they don't fit. But, how do you let them go? After liking em so much before. How do you say, hey i don't need to wear you everyday anymore. I'm gonna wear others.

I know the search for another pair of shoes may be a long one. But, I just wanna be happy. I want a pair of shoes that can make me happy and that smile everytime i wear them. And if that means shopping till i'm 40-55. I'm okay because I'm not gonna be one of those women committed to one pair of shoes that don't fit. With holes and worn out soles and split shoelaces. Where the white looks black and causes a lot of internal damage. No, not mee. I'm not gonna be one of those. But it's so hard just to put them back in the box and keep em in the back of the closet :(

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Soooooo Behind!!

I can't believe I haven't been posting anything!! I feel out of the loop. I haven't even logged in in a while. Life just got a little busy and things are on hold. Like my photography...but i saw a couple of things that really inspired to me today and i wanna take the time out to shoot some ideas myself. It's just kinda hard when i don't have a tripod, or at least a partner i could trust to take the photo for me. There's also people who SAY they want me to take their pictures but they don't follow up on the idea! Don't they understand that i'm offering this stuff for free. I'm pretty freakin good at it. I'm not saying i'm the best i'm just saying for an amateur i'm awesome and by letting me photograph you, you're helping me to get better. Sooo, if there's anyone out there that would like a new myspace picture that looks professionally done then please let me know. I'm also pretty handy with a make-up brush so i could def. do your make-up.
Besides thaaatt...i've had a crazy amount of ideas for vlogs! BUUTT, its kinda hard when all i have to record them would be the camera thats attached to my laptop :| womp womp. Ugh i need to stop making excuses and just DO IT!
I ran across a quote today that i fell in love with:

"Life is the dream, all you have to do is fulfill it"

Its like a better version of "life is what you make it" or "Make the best out of life"

Other things going on in my life...hmmm..
well finally i got this awesome job. Doing what i love, taking pictures and editing them, with my best friend. We work, we chill, we have fun, we lay back when its not busy. And the boss is SUPER awesome. Nicest boss i've ever had. My aunt calls me and says
"Hey Eileen, there's a job opening here at my job for a front desk cashier/reciever. It pays $15/hr and they're looking to hire quickly!"

Ugh...i really don't wanna leave the job i have now. Primarily because this coming semester i'll be taking a FULL course load in school and i know that i could get away with studying while on the job, whereas in my aunts job i don't think they'd allow it. I also plan on going to new york this june which has already been approved basically.

I think my mom got upset that i was thinking about not taking the job. Ugh. It stresses me out when she thinks i'm not making the right decisions. But its my life and i'm one of those people that doesn't sacrifice happiness for money. I know in the future i'll become a rich ass dentist (lol..seriously tho) but for now i just wanna drink, travel, and live life while i'm still able to pee and bathe by myself. Aging is no joke!! I wanna see the world and go through crazy experiences before i turn old.

Till Next Time,


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My Mood TOday:::: MUSICAL!

Today was my 2nd day at work and it couldn't have gone any better. I even took some pictures and the customer ended up buying the pictures! But yeah i've been so happy today for no apparent reason. lol. I've been jammin on my guitar. I was gonna do a video but i didn't wanna just post videos i want you people to also do some work and REAADDD! lol.

I'm in Dire need of a tennis buddy!!! so if you're free on weekday evenings like around 5:30 or 6. then pleeassee hit me up. because i'm tryna get in shape. I need to be beach ready! lol. i'm like seriously begging over here like the bums under 59 (its a major highway here in TX for those that didn't understand).

Hmmm....what else is worth mentioning?? You guys should really sign up for one of these things. it's awesome!!!!!!!!!!

That's aaalll folks. (porky honor of swine flu..hahaha.JK thats nothing to joke about! *frowny face*)