Monday, November 9, 2009

To Whom It May Concern:

I've never wanted anything so much than to have someone to love and that loves me back just as much. I sort of have that now. Sort of because I don't feel like his heart is truly fully mine. And I thought I could get past the fact that his feelings aren't 100% for me alone because he made me believe that it was something that would pass. But it's two months later and he still says that those feelings for another are still there. And everyday my eyes see something that deep down bother me. Today I realized that if i were to keep waiting on his heart to be mine and mine alone, I would have to live everyday with a bit of sorrow. I wonder, how much longer is it going to take? The way I'm expressing myself may sound a little melodramatic but it doesn't matter because these feelings are true. I just don't know. I don't feel it's fair for me and I feel like it really tears me down at times. I just don't hold a performance for the world to see.